Last week we were talking about honesty and honest people in my office.
The discussion between me and my superior went as follows:
She:” In my opinion, a person who is honest always tells the truth. But Pakistani people don’t do it. They tell a lie and even if the other person knows they are lying, they don’t accept it”.
Me: “But not all people are like this. Surely there are some good people.”
She: “Like who?”
Me: “I consider myself an honest person”.
She: “Oh really??????”
And I nod my head.
She: “Do u tell lies?”
Me: “Yes, sometimes ………”
She: “And you accept when other person finds you are lying????”
Me: “Yes, I accept my mistakes”.
She “Still you think you are honest person?”
Me: “Yes”.
She starts laughing and left the room. Without listening to what I wanted to say.
I feel really bad that if I tell her that I always speak the truth then it would make me a honest person but in reality, this statement would be a lie.
Because it’s true that mostly I try to speak the truth but sometimes on rare occasions, I do tell a lie but I suck at lying, so mostly people know that I am lying. When they ask about it, I tell the truth. I think I’m courageous as well as honest. Because I accept my mistakes, it doesn’t make me less honest
I didn’t know a single person who would say that he/ she never lied in his / her life.
So isn’t it better that I accept my wrong doing and feel shame in doing so instead of boasting a false fact??????
Hope at least you people understand my point and the new angle of honesty which I’m trying to convey