Tuesday, September 13, 2011


It’s very easy to give advice but very difficult to follow it yourself. People always say that before giving advice try to put you in place of other person but the fact is you can’t do that because our way of thinking and personality might be different from other person. Another reason is, talking or imagining about something is totally different from actually experiencing that thing.

Most physically abused people are bounded mentally and emotionally rather than physically. They are mentally paralyzed by the pain which they endure and we can’t understand that pain or the feeling. It is possible that if we are in their place we don’t follow our own advice J

They have to overcome their fear and it’s the biggest challenge, the people who can do that are courageous people and they can face anything.

In my opinion the only advice you can give to anybody is: 
“Face your own fear and try to fight with it “

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Sight and Vision

I was talking to some one about injustice of Allah and his answers opened new questions for me but I want to share that conversation:
Me: “Why Allah makes some people blind or deaf or disabled. It’s not fair with those people.”
He: “Actually we don’t know what is right or wrong. So, how can we be the judge of these things? Can you honestly say that to have a sight is good thing?”

I kept silent because honestly I don’t know the answer. I also remember a quote that says: “The worst thing than losing your sight, is losing your vision.”

I know vision comes with feelings and from heart and Allah gives every person that so how can I say that Allah is not being fair?
Think about it, J

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Something about women and their fantasies :)

Woman of all age have some fantasy are regardless of their age or status, but it doesn't mean that we r not practical. Let me explain this with example :

Yesterday, I went to a shoe shop and saw "the shoes of Cinderella" there. These shoes were made of net, they were white in color and looked very delicate. When I wore them, i felt like a princess. But I didn't buy them.
I saw another another black pair of shoes made of leather, which looked strong and more practical.
I bought them.
The reason for buying leather shoes was the need of shoes for daily wear.

There is a misconception that women buy unnecessary thing. But in reality we buy things which are needed, not the things we want to buy or which fancy us. It’s true that we fantasies things but we women are strong enough that when the times comes we ignore our fantasy and do things which are more practical. We women are proud of ourselves because deep down we know that we got the strength to face this world.